Karen Mullins, Founder of Digestive Warrior
This week, we welcome Digestive Warrior, a supplement and wellness coaching business, to the podcast!
In this episode, Karen talks about her own story which ranges from a hospital bed and nearly dead to becoming “the digestive warrior.” We learn about how food affects our bodies and how to make the first steps toward better understanding. Then we hear how she built her business by championing her own wellness story.
Check out this episode with Karen Mullins on Youtube or wherever you like to consume podcasts.
Links and Notes from Episode 121
- Disclaimer: We (at Making It in Asheville) are not doctors and nothing described in this episode would be considered health advice. Consult your doctor whenever attempting new health/wellness practices. Do your own research. And, enjoy this episode!
- digestivewarrior.com
Music by Commonwealth Choir (http://www.commonwealthchoir.com)
Engage with the Show:
We value your input! As we continue to shape this season, we invite you to share your suggestions for E-commerce businesses you’d like to hear from. Leave a comment on the YouTube video, or direct message us on Instagram, or email Tony directly at tony@makingitinasheville.com.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Don’t forget to join us next week for another inspiring interview on Making It in Asheville Podcast!
Special thanks to our e-commerce season sponsor: Ernest Ready-Made
Ernest is the obvious co-warehousing solution for growing Asheville-based businesses. For more on Ernest, visit: MakingItInAsheville.com/ernest